zionism datapage

  1. 32 Posts.
    Zionism DataPage

    Jews Against Zionism:
    "...it is our obligation to make it known in order that everyone should understand that the Zionists are not the nation of Israel... and it is most definitely our holy obligation to announce before those nations of the world that the Zionists are not the spokespeople of the nation of Israel..." - Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum

    "It (labeling people 'anti-semitic') has been a handy and effective weapon which has destroyed countless careers and is responsible for the totally illegitimate Zionist regime. Zionists have cleverly suggested for a hundred years, by smearing their critics as 'anti-Semites,' that the Zionists are the legitimate conquerors of Palestine. Zionists have never actually SAID they were Semitic - just that their enemies are 'anti-Semitic.' Pretty neat...and completely dishonest. But in light of the genuine anti-Semitism of the Zionists it becomes a bizarre obscenity when these non-Semitic aliens accuse their Semitic victims of 'anti-Semitism'.

    I believe this is the central issue regarding The Jewish Question. When awareness of this matter becomes more widespread, and it will now, the Zionist state will lose support even from the deluded Christians, who need Semitic-type Jews running "Israel" for the fulfillment of their bloody dreams. The Zionists will be exposed as pseudo-religious gangsters." --J. Bruce Campbell

    "Once a day on average I get a letter from someone asking me how I could allow myself to be published and interviewed by Jeff Rense, the popular web and radio host who publishes way too much anti-Israel material. I have no problem answering, "Because he lets me, which is more than I can say about the mainstream Jewish media." Jeff Rense is an honest voice and he permits me to reach a huge audience of New Age Lefties, and misguided Righties bombarded with lies about Israel.

    -Barry Chamish Author: Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, The Last Days Of Israel - Israeli Edition, and Israel Betrayed
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