zionist atrocities - slave trade..

  1. 2,154 Posts.
    Our girls and women ARE being enslaved; here's a typical scenario: an impoverished girl or woman from the former USSR answers an ad to work abroad as a nanny, waitress, etc. False papers are acquired and she is brought to Israel, Italy, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Germany, Holland, the USA, or any other government where the power of the Jewish Mafia and elite is manifest.
    After arriving, the girl or lady is told that she will need to pay off her &quo;debt.&quo; She is often raped, stripped, and sold on an auction block.

    From there a life of brutality, terror, and forced prostitution awaits. IN ISRAEL, IT IS LEGAL TO BUY AND SELL SLAVES--AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT JEWISH.

    If you doubt the veracity of any of these FACTS, read the articles collected on this portal. Many are from &quo;PC&quo; sources; collecting these rarely printed and seldom-seen articles from &quo;&quo;PC&quo; sources was deliberate. We live in a very strange time; the majority of our people have been cleverly conditioned since birth to disbelieve warnings and FACTS presented by those who are proud of their own extended family.

    If you're White, your reaction at this point might be something like, &quo;Huh?" If you can recover from the fact that you've been misled your entire life and you DO care about the girls and women of your extended family, you STILL might be reluctant to get the word out about these CURRENT atrocities being committed against our impoverished sisters. (They are impoverished due to Jewish communism; read about it on this portal.)

    Are you worried about our enemies snickering at the REALITY that hundreds of thousands of White girls and women have literally become sex slaves? I personally hope that anti-white haters do talk about and even snicker and laugh loudly about the sex slaves. Hearing this might wake some of our people up. Yes, the term &quo;sex slave" does have a fantasy/fun connotation in our day, but in the case of hundreds of thousands of our women, it's an accurate term.)

    We need to understand that White slavery is not an aberration caused by some &quo;bad" Jews; White slavery is the natural consequence of the Jewish religion and mentality regarding non-Jews. The Old Testament is one of the two most racist, hateful books ever written. In it, the Jewish scriptwriters portray themselves as the "chosen" people.

    In the Old Testament(based on lies, like the Koran), Yahweh, their tribal god, directs the Jews to pillage and destroy gentiles (non-Jews) . Read it! (See especially Deuteronomy 6, etc.; 7:2 and 7:16, etc. Deuteronomy 20:10 is especially instructive for the topic of this article.)

    The most hateful book ever written is the Talmud.
    It is considered the holiest book of Judaism. Among other things, it states that only the Jews are human beings. The Talmud promotes all manner of hatred against non-Jews; this hatred includes enslavement and murder.

    You can read about the Talmud and quotes from the Talmud at a &quo;PC" source: http://www.truthbeknown.com/author.htm Go to the Religion and Spirituality section. Enter Talmud into the search engine. You can also read about the Talmud directly from the http://www.creator.org/ site. Dare to learn the truth!

    Here's a quote that deals with our topic:

    "A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat." (Hadrine, 20, B: Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.)
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