The Israeli terroristic campaign Sharon has been leading against...

  1. 2,154 Posts.
    The Israeli terroristic campaign Sharon has been leading against Palestinian refugees sheds light on how much hate he and his core constituents, settlers and their supporters, feel toward Palestinian refugees. These victims of Zionist greed are still there as a living evidence of the crime committed in 1948, when Palestinians were evicted from their lands, villages, and towns. The UN resolutions regarding refugees affirmed their rights for return and compensation for their losses. Golda Me'ier once expressed her hopes that when elderly refugees die their children and grandchildren forget about their rights. This has not happened, mainly because of the Zionist greed.

    The Zionist Israeli leadership, not only rejected the UN resolutions concerning the 1948 refugees, but has also continued the creation of more refugees since the occupation of the Palestinian territories in 1967. This has been happening by the continuous confiscation of more Palestinian lands and building more settlements for zealot Zionists, who do not mind living on the corpses of Palestinians.

    Zionists from both Labor and Likude Parties cannot believe that refugees are still there, educated about their rights and defiant to Zionist terrorism than ever before. That is why Sharon and his Labor-Likude coalition launched this extensive military campaign in refugee camps of Jenin, Tulkarem, Balata, Dihaisha, Aida, Jabalia, Gaza, Buraij, Maghazi, Dair El-Balah, Khan Yunis, and Rafah. Although the Israeli military campaign targeted the infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority, it was extended to include all other Palestinian towns and cities, and most villages. However, Sharon's government wanted to break the will of the Palestinian people, particularly refugees, so they do not reject Israeli offers for the resolution of the conflict again.

    The bloodshed has been going on since September 29, 2000, when the Palestinian leadership rejected Barak's offer, which did not address the refugee problem, among other issues. The Western world generally and the United States in particular have been silent toward Zionist atrocities against the Palestinian people until last week, when France, the U.S., and the Netherlands spoke out against the Israeli bloody campaign. Apparently, Sharon listened to the Bush administration and decreased his aggression against the Palestinian people, in preparation for receiving the U.S. Presidential Envoy, Anthony Zini, next week.

    Finally, there is a number of basic conclusions that cannot be missed from observing the recent Zionist Israeli terroristic campaign. First, the Palestinian people are no longer intimidated by the Israeli military machine, despite their enormous losses. They have fought back, and they will continue fighting until they get their rights according to UN resolutions. Second, Palestinian refugees are still there, in their camps, representing a huge mirror that shows the ugly reality of Zionism, as an ideology of selfishness, greed, and zero tolerance for the other. Third, the world cannot be quiet forever toward Israeli atrocities. Even the United States government, the only government in the world that supports Israel, could not be quiet toward Sharon's terrorism.

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