zionists are political terrorists.., page-2

  1. 364 Posts.
    Gaweb, the biggest terrorist in the middle east is none other than camel face aka Arafat. He and his cronies are responsible for the state the palestinians find themselves at the moment. He walked away from the greatest opportunity the palestinian people had to live in peace and harmony. Wasnt interested in further negotiation, he just plain walked away. He isnt interested in peace, but he is interested in piece. A piece of this and a piece of that till all of Isreal is his.

    Kick out all the palestinian israelis that dont fully support the state of Israel ( and I would start by hanging these traitor arab israeli politicians who are interested in the downfall of Israel and nothing more ....if they love their arab brothers so much, why dont this scum go and live in the west bank or the gaza strip or Jordan ????? ). Push the rest of the so called palestinians out of Jerusalem, the west bank and anywhere else that is a trouble spot and seal off their borders............ and that would be just the beginning.

    It sounds very harsh and it probably is, but I wonder if you and every one else didnt feel this way if we had suicide bombers killing people indiscriminately in Australia......

    Sharon in no angel, but I would prefer him to camel face. I guess what camel face needs is a 5.56 or a 7.62 aspirin.

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