zirconium flavored cold fusion from poland

  1. rmv
    1,532 Posts.

    The ongoing saga of Andrea Rossi's nickel-hydrogen cold fusion (Energy Catalyzer) technology continues to inspire hope in many that a clean, abundant, affordable, and safe source of energy is around the corner.

    However, another cold fusion based energy technology may also be emerging. Polish inventor Waldemar Mordkovitch has developed a cold fusion system that utilizes the transmutation of zirconium (in the form of zirconium oxide) into other elements to produce energy. He claims that with one version of his system, sixty watts of input could result in twenty kilowatts of output.

    Waldemar is so confident about the technology, he has announced it is ready for licensing. He has set the price for a license at 15 million euro. (Ref.) Depending on the rights granted by the license that might not be a high cost at all. This is especially true considering his claim that the by product of the reaction is large quantities of palladium and iridium. Both of these are very expensive elements. They both sell for close to a thousand dollars an ounce!

    The inventor sees this technology as a means for Poland to improve its economic status. He claims it could create millions of jobs as factories are setup to export these systems. It would also decentralize the Polish energy sector, in that there would be less dependence on the power grid. In addition he claims it would be the first serious step towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

    There seem to be benefits and drawbacks to this technology compared to Andrea Rossi's system. Zirconium may be more expensive than nickel, but the production of precious elements may offset this cost tremendously. On the other hand, Rossi's system does not produce toxic waste of any kind. Waldemar mentions that his system does produce gases that contain heavy metals.

    An interesting aspect of Waldemar's technology is that he claims the ability to produce electricity directly in addition to producing heat. Rossi claims that in his system this is not worth doing and generators would need to be attached to convert the high temperature steam into electricity. The lack of a separate generator to produce electricity might make this zirconium based technology more appealing. The ratio of input energy to output energy of this technology is also high. He claims a system could have an input of 5 kW and an output of 200 kW. This is from a system that only costs 10,000 euro to build.

    A demonstration of this technology was held on March 25, 2011. It was witnessed by Prof. Pawlak Halina-Kruczek of the University of Technology and Dr. Hanna Bartoszewicz-Grumbles of the Institute of Power Engineering, Warsaw. In the demo the cold fusion reactor (the size of a table top) was pulsed with a nanosecond pulse generator. These pulses of electricity went into the cell which is filled with a "liquid metal." This produced a certain kind of electrical arc in the liquid metal which fills the cell. In this demonstration one hundred watts of input produced three hundred watts of pure electrical output plus heat. The inventor claims it seemed both observers were satisfied.

    The inventor of this device has potentially built upon the work of a group of Russian scientists who own a patent titled, "Silicon Extraction Method." In the patent they document a method of producing transmutations of various elements.

    As we learn more about this technology it will be posted on our feature page at PESWiki. Although it seems Andrea Rossi's technology might be closer to being marketed on a large scale, competition is always a good thing. Of course Andrea Rossi is already plenty motivated by the disasters of nuclear technology that are destroying our planet, as well as the other detrimental effects of polluting energy technologies that his technology could render obsolete.

    Nevertheless, the race towards practical cold fusion technology is on!
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