Zoe Daniel explains why Duttons plan is not credible, page-179

  1. 36,659 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    l genuinely think they've dug themselves a hole they can't get out of .

    By not announcing any details they have just energised those against the idea to tease out the facts for themselves.

    lt doesn't matter what the Dud says now. The opponents to the plan will be well armed with facts.


    Future baseload nuclear can't run 90% of the time. Baseload coal struggles to make 60% in 2024. A part time nuclear power plant is going to very expensive to run.

    A lot of gas generation will be required for the interim which could be decades. That means new gas fired power stations built in a domestic market short of gas that has been smashed with high gas prices for a decade . That's a lot of cost .

    CFPS life extensions will cost billions a year as per the examples of Eraring and Yallourn .

    Littleproud had been publicly supporting rural people against renewables and threatening to stop the rollout. As has Joyce. This morning on lnsiders OBrien threw them under the bus. Now they have abandoned their constituents .

    We are still going to have a 90%plus renewable grid. The grid is still going to be powered by " intermittent " renewables . Almost exactly the same as Labor's policy . The difference being that instead of large batteries , pumped hydro, hydro , heat storage , gravity storage, hydrogen, compressed air storage etc doing the firming, it will be done by a small nuclear fleet .

    Otherwise the two systems will be the same .

    That means all those poles and wires that the COALition had been campaigning against will be built.

    The Dud claims " they have done the work " and will release the numbers soon. The release off those numbers is actually going to sink them .

    They are going to be smashed when the facts come out .
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