A Jerry Seinfeld breakfast

  1. 16,238 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 135
    My breakfast is a bowl of cereal with tea or coffee, preceded by a glass of juice.
    But I can't eat the same cereal twice in two days, I need to have a range to choose from
    I have a cupboard that looks like Seinfeld's with a whole lot of different packets.
    The trouble is there aren't all that many variations unless you want to eat all those sugar coated fruit loop type of things, which I don't
    I like things such as Uncle Toby's Bran Flakes or Shredded Wheat as well as WeetBix, Corn Flakes and occasionally honey & fruit clusters.
    I've searched Woolies shelves for a product I remember called Puffed Wheat, but I guess they don't make it any more.

    Suggestions for alternatives welcome.
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