ABC PoliticsBias Watchdog on HC

  1. 5,049 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 189
    As even the Drover's Dog knows ABC always go soft on Lefties and Hit Hard on the Conservatives. You see this blatant bias in their interviews day in day out. I think its about time we put a line in the sand and say enough is enough. Lets start exposing ABC from this moment if and when they do this and name and shame the program and the presenter who does this. We could do the same if there is any Rightie left on ABC and does Bias presenting on Lefties we could name and shame them as well. I think its time and its fair to do this. So Ladies and Gents if you come across any of this Bias please post here and we can bring it to public's attention. Please post only things that happened not Fiction. Tha
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