another climateer lie implodes

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Remember the report last year where the ANU has to move its climate scientists because of "death threats"? Those nasty, loony, crazed, axe wielding sceptics were threatening good, honest toilers in fields of science with death.

    Turns out to be more dribble. No death threats, just a few forthright citizens telling a few boffins what they think of the AGW story. No harm there. Of course anything AGW,(or Climate change or whatever it is called this week) -related is spin and this is no different.

    Turns out that there were no "death threats", the hurried relocation of scientists"for security reasons" entirely bogus.Then ANU vice-chancellor Ian Chubb confesses that it was all made up.

    Why would anyone believe them about anything? The ABC doesn't come out smelling of roses either.

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