Australia is is going to hell: Who cares?, page-73

  1. 4,410 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    Lapdog please let me update you on a few historical facts, as opposed to your many and varied hysterical assumptions based on your perception of history. The world as we know it today........ There is not one country that has not been invaded and occupied by others, this includes the British Isles that was invaded and occupied a thousand years ago and still is being invaded and occupied. People like you love to pander to the more ignorant Aboriginals leading them to believe that they are the only race that has had injustices done to them, the injustices that were committed were common place in the world at that time and it is a ridiculous situation why present day Australians should be made to feel guilty for what happened. Many of the so called Aboriginal people that support your twisted agenda would not exist were it not for white invasion as your ilk are want to describe it as such, and if it wasn't the British that first hoisted a flag here in 1788, I suspect you would say the Aboriginal people would still be living in some sort of Aboriginal Utopia, but as you know this would not be the case.
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