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  1. 41,271 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    The talk of privatising the ABC,,
    is that of total bottom dwelers,
    Those that think sheet is sustance,
    and are the scumm of the earth,,,

    We her have one last bastion left,,,
    where appart from program promos,
    things can be watched without junk mail....

    like the sheit that takes up 25 min out of every hour in com TV...

    What most dont understand is that people just mute or tune out to adds now,,
    and if anything,,,,intrusive adds,,,are now clear flag for who and what to ignore...

    our minds are saturated,,,and people yearn for clear stuff,,,
    and will reward those who support this ethic.

    The others make enough money,,,and the silent though never admitting turn to
    TV sans adds as a rare gem these days,,,,

    To those that want to Privatise the ABC,,, one wishes to state,, GF and FO
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