enough of the BS in regards to inflation

  1. 559 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 78
    Have the media completey lost the plot? Over the last few months the media have reported on any and all reasons why inflation has increased resulting in interest rate hikes.

    At first it was the baby Boomers fault, the latest is business passing on interest rates rises by raising prices and fees.

    Is it so hard to see the truth? Here it is

    A simple political leader by the name Scott Morrison decided to borrow heaps of money and flood our economy with cash during covid.

    Take any economy and flood it with extra cash and the result is inflation. Great idea Mr Morrison take a heap of dole bludgers who couldn't go out due to covid and double their income.

    Not labour or liberal supporter, they can all burn in hell for selling up this country to keep rich friends happy.

    Please news OUTLETS MSN especially , send your writers back to take 5 or people magazine and re hire the pros that actually reported on the truth not regurgitated reports from government and RBA.

    Business are raising prices because rents, petrol and just about everything has risen.
    the inbred government makes more money from lobbyist so screw the rest of us.

    Scott Morrison sh#t the bed with the failed voice referendum so what's the idiot do? Goes and hides overseas for a month. This country hasnt had a real leader for a long time and the media confusing the masses with false reporting makes damn sure it's far from over.
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