How BlackRock, the WEF and the Global Climate Cabal are Fleecing the Taxpayers for $trillions

  1. gve
    12,001 Posts.
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    BlackRock Investment expects to do $100 trillion in business thanks to the so-called Green New Deal.
    The recent German Green corruption scandal revealed how BlackRock execs, climate activists and taxpayer-funded “non-governmental” organizations are undermining our democracy in a trillion-dollar bid to wreck the economy while getting filthy rich.
    The Biden Regime has hired BlackRock execs Brian Deese to serve on the National Economic Council, Adewale Adeyemo to head the Treasury Department and Michael Pyle as chief economic advisor to Vice President Harris.
    It was a perfect hustle – except for one unpredictable variable: democracy. The market for “sustainability” and “Green infrastructure” depends virtually 100% on politics. The production of wind turbines, solar panels, heat pumps and electric cars is not driven by market demand, but by subsidies, bans, regulations and other government red tape.

    The “Green Premium” is how they describe the fact that green energy and products are too expensive, and therefore not -competitive in a free market. Fink has stated on previous occasions that it’s up to governments to create more demand for “Green” products and thereby make them profitable for financial investors like BlackRock. And that’s the rub:

    Because in the end, the taxpayers will have to foot the bill for the “Green Premium”.
    The German climate corruption scandal has revealed the blueprint of how the global financial industry is in cahoots with the climate change crazies at the expense of the taxpayer. It is time to smoke out the rest of the network, from Berlin and Brussels to Washington DC and Wall Street.

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