Post by Wafflehead that I thought was more appropriate in here....

  1. 1,452 Posts.
    Post by Wafflehead that I thought was more appropriate in here.


    830 posts.
    Post #:
    Trademanic said:
    Okay, I found your question and in this context I guess my answer will mean nothing to anybody else.

    If I take your word for those translations regarding the variation of meaning ascribed to derivative words stemming from the word jealousy then the meaning could not be more clear and no negative connotation can be ascribed to it.

    I might just add that if your God says up is down then it is down. If your God says day is night then it is night. Your God is not to be subject to the scrutiny of words. I never look for contradictions in the Bible because it is far more likely that I simply have not understood something than having discovered a real contradiction. If a contradiction did seem to exist then the reason would most probably be manmade and not part of the essential message.
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