New report reveals Coalition could face wipe-out, lose 30 seats without major reform

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    https://www dot news dot com dot au/national/politics/lose-the-next-six-elections-new-report-reveals-coalition-could-face-wipeout-lose-30-seats-without-major-reform/news-story/20dd7021450392628192864736033a32
    The Coalition could lose 30 seats in the next six elections because Millenials and Gen Z voters are bucking trends and not becoming more conservative as they age, new analysis has found.

    Right-leaning think tank, the Centre for Independent Studies, has found that by the time people reached their early 50s, Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) and Generation X (1965-1980) are more likely to lean towards the right.

    On a major breakaway from traditional generational demography, that trend is not being passed down to Millenials (1981-1995) or Generation Z (1996-2009), with the percentage of Millenials shifting to vote for the Coalition increasing by just 0.6 per cent at each election – half the rate at which Boomers and Gen Zers are shifting. Millenials are more likely to be in their 80s by the first time they vote for the Coalition, compared to their 50s as with previous generations.

    The study found that in Generation Z, support for the Coalition is continually falling, and is the least likely of any post-war generation to support the Coalition. Report author Matthew Taylor says if the historically-lower level of Coalition support among Gen Z continues – and is reflective of how future generations will vote – then the Coalition’s primary vote will be pushed below 30 per cent. Mr Taylor said the party could lose more than 30 seats by 2040.

    Let's face it - the coalition needs major reform if they wish to continue as a major party, and neither Dutton, Ley, or Angus Taylor have the brains to perform it.
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