Now the Fed Libs have knocked back more revenue they agreed to!

  1. 23,205 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    It is a $2b hit to the Federal Budget over 4 years.
    Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey scrap Labor's proposed bank levy

    The bank deposit levy proposed by the previous Labor government was set to be a 0.05 percent levy on every deposit up to $250,000 and was scheduled to start on January 1, 2016.
    The levy was expected to raise about $500 million a year, and cover the costs associated if a bank needed to be bailed out.
    The Abbott government had factored in the revenue in its May budget, which means the budget deficit will grow even further.

    I agree , the debt problem isnt our largest problem anymore.

    It is this Liberal Government that is our biggest problem.
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