NRL racism allegations

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3376

    "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" my mother told me when I was a little kid.

    "When someone calls you names, take possession of it and run with it. It diminishes any impact and everyone laughs it off" - Anon.

    "Weak people revenge, strong people forgive, intelligent people ignore" - Einstein.

    When the NRL used Parramatta Captain, Junior Paulo in advertising 3 years ago and caricatured him as a rampaging Gorilla, the Christian Samoan laughed and said he did not take any offence and in fact admitted he does look a bit like that.

    Junior Paulo, not just a champion footballer but also a champion Human being and Father.

    So it is with great disappointment I find that Ezra Mam has rejected Spencer Liu's apology for calling him a monkey.

    A little man in stature AND character, who just wants revenge ... acting exactly as a m..... would.

    On Thursday, Leniu admitted he did use the word “monkey” on-field during the historic fixture and entered a guilty plea to the charge, with speculation the suspension could be between six and 10 weeks.

    “I want to apologise to Ezra and his family for using the word I did and I am sincerely sorry to cause him such distress,” Leniu said.

    “I’ve put my hand up and want to take ownership of this. I said the word but I didn’t mean it in a racist way. Anyone who knows me knows that’s not who I am.”

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