
  1. 10,736 Posts.
    I am recently retired and wondered if anyone else has the same sick feeling, not knowing what changes are going to be made?
    There is a constant media beat up that states the current tax payers are paying for the pensions of those retired and that it's wrong and unsustainable. They don't mention that, on that basis, those now retired also paid through their taxes to support the previous aged population and surely it's reasonable to expect the same when they need it?
    Another way to look at the age pension might be that the tax we have paid in our working lives contributed to that and it's a right not an act of charity.
    Other countries pay the age pension as a right earned through contributions, one that is not means tested. Here it's means tested and now they are moving to erode pensioner rights by changing the rules to balance the budget at our expense.
    So much for the super funds, they must be the ultimate target, for our own good of course.
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