weight loss - the final 5kg

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    watso has reached this point a few times - where he seems to be able to lose weight - but then those final kg's seem to just not want to go away.... then watso takes it easy again - eases back on the cycling, drinks a bit more, and then the kg go back on on again

    watso has reached that barrier again - and despite jumping out of the trenches and onto  his cycle,  and sending km after km of ferocious cycling at his gut, the gut seems to be immovable - and how much cycling??? - well last week it was 300km, and this week will be slightly more..

    just do a google search for losing the last 5kg.  if people think that losing 50kg is hard - well, that is easy compared to losing the last 5kg.

    a few tips on the net, on how to get rid of those final kg's - eg here is a workout suggested for losing those final few kg


    When you’ve lost the first several kilos, whether that means 10, 20 or even 40, you’ve lost the ''easy'' fat. As your fat loss slows, you’ll notice that you’re holding fat in some areas more than others. In fact, you may be holding all of your fat in one or two specific areas....
    A1) Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 reps per leg
    A2) Inverted Row - 12 reps
    A3) Push Up - 15 reps
    A5) Reverse Lunges - 8 reps per leg
    A6) Pull Up - 6 reps
    A7) Overhead Press - 12 reps
    A8) Plank - 60 seconds

    Perform A1-A8 in a circuit fashion, moving from one exercise to the next with little to no rest. Perform a total of 6 rounds, resting 60-90 seconds between rounds.

    despite, watso's cycling he has reached this level


    .....All the exercise that was initially a shock to the system - the aerobics classes, the weight workouts, the walks - no longer shock your body.

    Your fitness levels have increased and your muscles are not being challenged like they once were. As a result, you burn fewer kilojoules than you did when your body was being shocked by your new exercise program.

    the above link gives the following as a suggested routine to fight those last stubborn few kg

    1) Add some strength sessions. This can be as simple as introducing a series of push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips, square and lunges every second night. Building more muscle will increase the kilojoules you burn because lean muscle uses more energy. Try these exercises each day, alternating between upper and lower body.

    UPPER BODY: Start with five minutes of skipping.
    THEN DO: Three sets of 10 push-ups (as you get stronger, increase your repetitions by 10 per cent)
    Three sets of raised push-ups (push-ups with your feet on a couch)
    Three sets of 10 tricep dips (use a chair for these; if 10 is too many, do as many as you can)

    LOWER BODY: Start with five minutes of skipping again. Do three sets of 10 squats, lunges and calf raises. Also add in three sets of five leg raises ( alternate legs, so three sets on each leg)

    DAMN IT but what is wrong with just a bit more cycling?????.... except that it does not seem to work.  at least it is easy to do - just get on a bike and ride

    another link mentions a different diet, for those last few kg's - and somewhere it is mentioned that maybe watso has simply reached his proper weight mmm - yeah but what about that 5 inches of fat that watso can grab around his gut????.

    mmmmm watso has taken it pretty easy so far today - just 13km (making 263km for the week so far)and is thinking that the next ride should be to the bottle shop for a carton of king browns
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