NTL new talisman gold mines limited

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  1. 658 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 133
    Hi Not sure about the timeline but this is the info that was released:-
    "Results from the testwork set out above will inform the design of a pilot
    plant layout which is expected to be similar to that set out in the process
    flow diagram alongside. It is expected that the plant will be modular and
    scaleable allowing components to be added as production volumes increase.
    Further information on this will be released to the market as it becomes

    New Talisman CEO, Matthew Hill said " The completion of this testwork
    demonstrates the successful ability to extract high grade concentrate from
    the existing orebodies without the use of any hazardous chemicals. From a
    processing perspective this is about as clean and environmentally friendly
    for treatment of gold ore as it gets with natural rock being reused as
    backfill. This is a key milestone for the company and allows us to develop a
    saleable product without the need for external parties."

    So I anticipate that they are getting onto it. As they should be
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Currently unlisted public company.

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