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OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 83.41KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 102.81KB
OCA Oceania announces Executive Team changes download Created with Sketch. 138.87KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 83.34KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross filed) download Created with Sketch. 29.57KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 177.24KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 99KB
OCA Meeting Results Announcement download Created with Sketch. 111.15KB
OCA Annual Meeting - PresentationPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 2.8MB
OCA Annual Meeting - Chair AddressPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 138.46KB
OCA Annual Meeting - CEO AddressPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 179.96KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 98.92KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 160.77KB
OCA FY2024 Climate-Related Disclosures Report download Created with Sketch. 6.68MB
OCA Annual Report download Created with Sketch. 41.74KB
OCA Notice of Meeting download Created with Sketch. 312.96KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross filed) download Created with Sketch. 16.34KB
OCA Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 97.87KB
OCA Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 97.92KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 176.58KB
OCA Appointment of Chief Executive OfficerPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 182.63KB
OCA Annual ReportPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 10.31MB
OCA Oceania Continues to Deliver to StrategyPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 125.46KB
OCA Annual Meeting and Director Nominations download Created with Sketch. 99.3KB
OCA Notice of Result Announcement download Created with Sketch. 95.9KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 126.82KB
OCA FY2024 Market UpdatePRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 118.95KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 82.59KB
OCA Oceania leadership transitionPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 149.15KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited download Created with Sketch. 153.1KB
OCA Oceania Healthcare Limited - Change of contact details download Created with Sketch. 136.68KB
OCA Appointment of Group General Counsel download Created with Sketch. 106.02KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 178.84KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited download Created with Sketch. 148.69KB
OCA Appointment of Chief People Officer download Created with Sketch. 96.07KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple) download Created with Sketch. 179.72KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 77.51KB
OCA Oceania continues the transformation of its portfolioPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 148.9KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 72.92KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 77.58KB
OCA Notice of Half Year Result Announcement download Created with Sketch. 92.03KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 72.8KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple) download Created with Sketch. 179.26KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed) download Created with Sketch. 26.01KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 126.83KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 127.05KB
OCA Share Option Plan download Created with Sketch. 121.13KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited download Created with Sketch. 77.78KB
OCA Resignation of Group General Manager Corporate Services download Created with Sketch. 89.84KB
OCA Change of External Auditor download Created with Sketch. 124.89KB
OCA Meeting Results Announcement download Created with Sketch. 115.13KB
OCA Annual Meeting - PresentationPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 3.5MB
OCA Annual Meeting - Chair AddressPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 151.29KB
OCA Annual Meeting - CEO AddressPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 184.2KB
OCA Oceania Healthcare Ltd ("OCA") - Announcement Retraction download Created with Sketch. 89.22KB
OCA SPH Notice - BlackRock, Inc. and related bodies corporate download Created with Sketch. 88.38KB
OCA Notice of Meeting download Created with Sketch. 315.99KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited download Created with Sketch. 146.24KB
OCA Annual Meeting and Director Nominations download Created with Sketch. 109.9KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed) download Created with Sketch. 344.12KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 941.36KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 184.59KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 182.09KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple) download Created with Sketch. 179.51KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed) download Created with Sketch. 22.97KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 123.31KB
OCA Updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 (Cross filed) download Created with Sketch. 26.83KB
OCA DRP Strike Price for Dividend download Created with Sketch. 92.44KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 179.54KB
OCA ASX Appendix 3A.1 (cross filed) download Created with Sketch. 26.82KB
OCA Annual ReportPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 6.26MB
OCA Oceania delivers solid resultPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 125.79KB
OCA Notice of Result Announcement download Created with Sketch. 91.98KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple) download Created with Sketch. 181.47KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited download Created with Sketch. 162.07KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed) download Created with Sketch. 22.98KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 123.25KB
OCA Resignation of GGM Clinical and Care Services download Created with Sketch. 90.67KB
OCA Updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 (Cross filed) download Created with Sketch. 26.84KB
OCA DRP Strike Price for Interim Dividend download Created with Sketch. 129.95KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 178.51KB
OCA ASX Appendix 3A.1 (cross filed) download Created with Sketch. 26.84KB
OCA Care Suite premiumisation delivers resultsPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 168.43KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 126.22KB
OCA Notice of Half Year Result Announcement download Created with Sketch. 123.01KB
OCA D&O Ongoing and Initial Disclosure Notices download Created with Sketch. 178.39KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed) download Created with Sketch. 26.62KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 123.13KB
OCA SPH Notice - Jarden Securities Limited download Created with Sketch. 102.98KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice download Created with Sketch. 180.9KB
OCA Oceania announces $500m sustainability-linked loan download Created with Sketch. 99.31KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple) download Created with Sketch. 181.8KB
OCA Meeting Results Announcement download Created with Sketch. 118.81KB
OCA Annual Meeting - PresentationPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 3MB
OCA Annual Meeting - CEO's AddressPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 151.74KB
OCA Annual Meeting - Chair's AddressPRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 214.18KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed) download Created with Sketch. 28.82KB
OCA Capital Change Notice download Created with Sketch. 123.42KB
OCA Appointment of Group General Manager Sales & Service download Created with Sketch. 93.4KB
OCA Updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 (Cross-filed) download Created with Sketch. 26.84KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
30/08/24 download Created with Sketch. 83.41KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
28/08/24 download Created with Sketch. 102.81KB
OCA Oceania announces Executive Team changes
20/08/24 download Created with Sketch. 138.87KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
31/07/24 download Created with Sketch. 83.34KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross filed)
12/07/24 download Created with Sketch. 29.57KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
11/07/24 download Created with Sketch. 177.24KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
03/07/24 download Created with Sketch. 99KB
OCA Meeting Results Announcement
27/06/24 download Created with Sketch. 111.15KB
OCA Annual Meeting - Presentation
27/06/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 2.8MB
OCA Annual Meeting - Chair Address
27/06/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 138.46KB
OCA Annual Meeting - CEO Address
27/06/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 179.96KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
26/06/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.92KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
20/06/24 download Created with Sketch. 160.77KB
OCA FY2024 Climate-Related Disclosures Report
18/06/24 download Created with Sketch. 6.68MB
OCA Annual Report
30/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 41.74KB
OCA Notice of Meeting
27/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 312.96KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross filed)
24/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 16.34KB
OCA Ongoing Disclosure Notice
24/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.87KB
OCA Ongoing Disclosure Notice
24/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.92KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
24/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 176.58KB
OCA Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
24/05/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 182.63KB
OCA Annual Report
24/05/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 10.31MB
OCA Oceania Continues to Deliver to Strategy
24/05/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 125.46KB
OCA Annual Meeting and Director Nominations
09/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.3KB
OCA Notice of Result Announcement
07/05/24 download Created with Sketch. 95.9KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
30/04/24 download Created with Sketch. 126.82KB
OCA FY2024 Market Update
15/04/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 118.95KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
03/04/24 download Created with Sketch. 82.59KB
OCA Oceania leadership transition
26/02/24PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 149.15KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited
23/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 153.1KB
OCA Oceania Healthcare Limited - Change of contact details
16/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 136.68KB
OCA Appointment of Group General Counsel
18/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 106.02KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
07/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 178.84KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited
06/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 148.69KB
OCA Appointment of Chief People Officer
06/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 96.07KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple)
30/11/23 download Created with Sketch. 179.72KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
23/11/23 download Created with Sketch. 77.51KB
OCA Oceania continues the transformation of its portfolio
22/11/23PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 148.9KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
16/11/23 download Created with Sketch. 72.92KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
15/11/23 download Created with Sketch. 77.58KB
OCA Notice of Half Year Result Announcement
08/11/23 download Created with Sketch. 92.03KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
02/11/23 download Created with Sketch. 72.8KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple)
29/09/23 download Created with Sketch. 179.26KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed)
26/09/23 download Created with Sketch. 26.01KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
26/09/23 download Created with Sketch. 126.83KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
11/09/23 download Created with Sketch. 127.05KB
OCA Share Option Plan
11/09/23 download Created with Sketch. 121.13KB
OCA SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited
06/09/23 download Created with Sketch. 77.78KB
OCA Resignation of Group General Manager Corporate Services
05/09/23 download Created with Sketch. 89.84KB
OCA Change of External Auditor
28/08/23 download Created with Sketch. 124.89KB
OCA Meeting Results Announcement
25/08/23 download Created with Sketch. 115.13KB
OCA Annual Meeting - Presentation
25/08/23PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 3.5MB
OCA Annual Meeting - Chair Address
25/08/23PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 151.29KB
OCA Annual Meeting - CEO Address
25/08/23PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 184.2KB
OCA Oceania Healthcare Ltd ("OCA") - Announcement Retraction
10/08/23 download Created with Sketch. 89.22KB
OCA SPH Notice - BlackRock, Inc. and related bodies corporate
10/08/23 download Created with Sketch. 88.38KB
OCA Notice of Meeting
27/07/23 download Created with Sketch. 315.99KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited
03/07/23 download Created with Sketch. 146.24KB
OCA Annual Meeting and Director Nominations
30/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 109.9KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed)
29/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 344.12KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
29/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 941.36KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
29/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 184.59KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
28/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 182.09KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple)
26/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 179.51KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed)
22/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 22.97KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
22/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 123.31KB
OCA Updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 (Cross filed)
13/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 26.83KB
OCA DRP Strike Price for Dividend
13/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 92.44KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
01/06/23 download Created with Sketch. 179.54KB
OCA ASX Appendix 3A.1 (cross filed)
24/05/23 download Created with Sketch. 26.82KB
OCA Annual Report
24/05/23PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 6.26MB
OCA Oceania delivers solid result
24/05/23PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 125.79KB
OCA Notice of Result Announcement
12/04/23 download Created with Sketch. 91.98KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple)
20/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 181.47KB
OCA SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited
15/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 162.07KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed)
15/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 22.98KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
15/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 123.25KB
OCA Resignation of GGM Clinical and Care Services
12/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 90.67KB
OCA Updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 (Cross filed)
06/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 26.84KB
OCA DRP Strike Price for Interim Dividend
06/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 129.95KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
02/12/22 download Created with Sketch. 178.51KB
OCA ASX Appendix 3A.1 (cross filed)
23/11/22 download Created with Sketch. 26.84KB
OCA Care Suite premiumisation delivers results
23/11/22PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 168.43KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
21/11/22 download Created with Sketch. 126.22KB
OCA Notice of Half Year Result Announcement
07/11/22 download Created with Sketch. 123.01KB
OCA D&O Ongoing and Initial Disclosure Notices
04/10/22 download Created with Sketch. 178.39KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed)
28/09/22 download Created with Sketch. 26.62KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
28/09/22 download Created with Sketch. 123.13KB
OCA SPH Notice - Jarden Securities Limited
15/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 102.98KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice
04/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 180.9KB
OCA Oceania announces $500m sustainability-linked loan
29/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 99.31KB
OCA D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices (multiple)
28/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 181.8KB
OCA Meeting Results Announcement
23/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 118.81KB
OCA Annual Meeting - Presentation
23/06/22PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 3MB
OCA Annual Meeting - CEO's Address
23/06/22PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 151.74KB
OCA Annual Meeting - Chair's Address
23/06/22PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 214.18KB
OCA ASX Appendix 2A (cross-filed)
22/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 28.82KB
OCA Capital Change Notice
22/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 123.42KB
OCA Appointment of Group General Manager Sales & Service
22/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 93.4KB
OCA Updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 (Cross-filed)
14/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 26.84KB
(20min delay)
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84.0¢ 84.0¢ 81.0¢ $407.5K 494.0K

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0 19121 81.0¢

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83.0¢ 5000 0
Last trade - 13.00pm 30/08/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
OCA (NZSX) Chart
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