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TEM Total Voting Rights download Created with Sketch. 115.14KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 97.74KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares download Created with Sketch. 118.13KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 98.29KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares download Created with Sketch. 119.48KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 96.49KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 98.44KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 99.56KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 96.62KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 99.85KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 100.7KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 99.61KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 96.59KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 99.56KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 99.55KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 100.46KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 99.49KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 97.64KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 94.15KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s) download Created with Sketch. 99.29KB
TEM Total Voting Rights
04/03/24 download Created with Sketch. 115.14KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
04/03/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.74KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
01/03/24 download Created with Sketch. 118.13KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
01/03/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.29KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
29/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 119.48KB
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29/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.49KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
28/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 116.65KB
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28/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.86KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
27/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 121.22KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
27/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.89KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
26/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 121.11KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
26/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.28KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
23/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 119.36KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
23/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.91KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
22/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 117.79KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
22/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.61KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
21/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 121.82KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
21/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.17KB
TEM Portfolio Update
21/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 35.04KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
20/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 118.73KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
20/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.41KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
19/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.44KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
16/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.82KB
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15/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 98KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
14/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.44KB
TEM Director/PDMR Shareholding
13/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 45.78KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
13/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.56KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
12/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 121.3KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
12/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.44KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
09/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.62KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
08/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 118.89KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
08/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 94.68KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
07/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.85KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
07/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 100.7KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
05/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 121.18KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
05/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.71KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
02/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.61KB
TEM Total Voting Rights
02/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 114.66KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
01/02/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.89KB
TEM Update on Debt Facility
31/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 92.47KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
31/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.19KB
TEM Change of director details
31/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 34.36KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
30/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 119.87KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
30/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.75KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
29/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.7KB
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26/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.99KB
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25/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.42KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
24/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.64KB
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23/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 96.68KB
TEM Portfolio Update
23/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 33.91KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
22/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.15KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
19/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 95.45KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
18/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.75KB
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17/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.46KB
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16/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 95.16KB
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15/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.81KB
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12/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.98KB
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11/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 98.45KB
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10/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.37KB
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09/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 94.46KB
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05/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.76KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
04/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 97.57KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
03/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 99.01KB
TEM Total Voting Rights
03/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 114.27KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
03/01/24 download Created with Sketch. 102.48KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
29/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 101.26KB
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28/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 101.21KB
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27/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 98.06KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
22/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 94.59KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
21/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 96.59KB
TEM Portfolio Update
21/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 10.29KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
20/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 99.56KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
19/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 121.35KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
19/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 99.55KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
18/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 97.97KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
15/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 100.46KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
14/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 121.16KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
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TEM Holding(s) in Company
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TEM Net Asset Value(s)
13/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 99.6KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
12/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 119.64KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
12/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 98.21KB
TEM Transaction in Own Shares
11/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 119.07KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
11/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 100.23KB
TEM Half-year Report
08/12/23PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 622.41KB
TEM Dividend Declaration
08/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 35.19KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
08/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 96.43KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
07/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 98.71KB
TEM Net Asset Value(s)
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TEM Transaction in Own Shares
05/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 119.82KB
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TEM Total Voting Rights
04/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 118.28KB
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TEM Net Asset Value(s)
01/12/23 download Created with Sketch. 96.23KB
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(20min delay)
Mkt cap ! n/a
Open High Low Value Volume
$3.52 $3.52 $3.52 $6.583K 1.87K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
0 145 $3.57

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
$3.58 4050 0
Last trade - 08.39am 26/07/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
TEM (NZSX) Chart
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