re: re:hi dyno activity in uk & oslo last night
Hi Blackgold,
Not sure where you got 12.5%. The Argonaut report states 13%. Not much of a difference but that is what the report states. Let's have a look at what Argonaut actually stated on Jaguar and it's valuation and their assumptions. The report is long so I have taken selections from it. For a full understanding everyone should read the full report.
Comments from the Argonaut report
- This valuation and price target is based on a Chance of Success of 13% across all prospects and Oil in Ground Value of US$10/bbl. We believe we have been
conservative on both these measures, and Table 6 shows the sensitivity of the per share valuation for the whole portfolio based on changes to these variables.- It is notable that based on management’s average
chance of success estimates of 26% (across their entire
portfolio), the valuation at an Oil in Ground value of
US$10/bbl increases to A$15.64 per share (A$2.35 per
share after applying the market discount).
Additional Comments from the Report
- Jaguar alone provides an EXR net prospective unrisked resource of some 180mmbbl. This is planned for drilling in the first half of calendar 2006. Jaguar’s gross mean resource volume of over 400mmbbl is similar in size to Buzzard, discovered in 2001, which was the biggest discovery in the North Sea in the preceding 10 years.
- Although there have been few wells that have tested Upper Jurassic prospects in downthrown or synclinal positions in the Viking Graben, the Independent Expert notes that the Buzzard discovery is an analogue for the Jaguar prospect.
The Upside Potential and Buzzard Valuation
- * A 43.2% interest in Buzzard, the largest discovery in the
North Sea in a decade, was sold by Encana (together
with some smaller development and production assets)
to Nexen effective 30 September 2004, for a total price of
US$2.1 billion. We estimate that Nexen paid US$13 per
recoverable barrel of oil for these assets, allowing for the purchase price and capital expenditure required for
Buzzard’s development. This is approximately equivalent
to US$7.50 per undeveloped recoverable barrel of oil.- * This transaction provides us with an indication of the
value placed at the time on recoverable barrels of oil in
the North Sea. Based on this, we have used US$7.50/bbl as the low side in our valuation sensitivity analysis.- * However, Brent crude at the date of the transaction was
US$47/bbl (spot price). Since July 2005, Brent crude
spot price has been an average of 30% higher, and we
feel comfortable that the US$10/bbl we used to
determine our valuation is reasonable.- * Jaguar’s prospective recoverable oil net to EXR is 180mmbbl. At US$7.50/bbl, a successful Jaguar discovery would be worth some US$1.36 billion (A$1.82 billion). At US$10/bbl, Jaguar would be worth US$1.80 billion (A$2.40 billion). On a fully diluted basis this would equate to a range of A$20 to A$27 per share.
The valuation is based on the following assumptions:
A Chance of Success of 13% per well based on the
Independent Expert’s assumptions for EXR’s
Jurassic prospects. Note this is less than the
Company’s risk estimates as they state that on a
risked basis they have 240mmbbl net prospective
resources, which on an unrisked 900mmbbl net
prospective resource implies a Chance of Success
of greater than 1 in 4.
We assume an In-ground Value of Oil (NPV) of
US$10.00 per barrel (A$13.33/bbl), which we feel is
conservative with Brent currently around US$60/bbl.
We assume EXR’s interests are diluted by 70% as a
result of farm-out. Again, we believe we are erring
on the conservative.![]()
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Mkt cap ! $41.88M |
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3.1¢ | 3.1¢ | 3.0¢ | $40.76K | 1.343M |
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