LNG 0.00% 4.3¢ liquefied natural gas limited

LNGL burn rate, page-6

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    intel? take your pick...


    British Columbia Premier Christy Clark won election in 2013 making big promises about the prospects of a liquefied natural gas industry that she said could make the province debt free.
    But well into that mandate, with just 17 months until Clark faces voters in 2017, no LNG proponent has made a final investment decision. Reports of a global supply glut and plunging natural gas prices have many observers wondering if any of the 20 plants proposed for B.C. will ever be built.


    “There is little doubt that the Paris Agreement creates a long-term challenge to the business model of many of Europe’s integrated oil companies. On top of oversupplied oil, gas and LNG markets, resilient non-OPEC production,and OPEC production that appears unconstrained in the short term, this is likely to weigh further on oil and gas equities for now,” the analysts said in Monday note.

    plent more, all the same sentiment....
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Currently unlisted public company.

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