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Ann: FYI Secures A$80M Funding, Delivers DFS & Upgrades Reserves, page-19

  1. 2,542 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1165
    Congrats to Roly and Team.

    This document is an outstanding achievement and puts FYI at the head of the pack.

    The equity funding terms could only be dreamed up by a banker: they are generous to the counter-party, but given that FYI is ( ?was) a microcap, are even better than what Asculpeous expected.
    Debt is THE DEVIL for a microcap- a ticking time bomb- but this allows FYI to proceed and some time in the future the generous terms will look smart.Equity is an Angel.

    This HAS been worth waiting for.

    Next catalyst will be off-takes, and knowing how Roly operates,off-take finance would not be a suprise.

    Will a shell shocked market respond to these magnificent pieces of news? THere may be a "too good to be true" element, but as a long term investor, Asculpeous doesn't give a rats'.Work out some P/Es on the PFS EPS and we can see where the SP is going!
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