GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1038
    BBOZ was an partial insurance policy hedging what equity exposure I had been holding Pre-Covid Anticipating instead of V recovery but more a second sell off of which a possibility of a lower high or the opposite.

    In 2013 I made the mistake of buying a gold stock thinking LT it would reward me more than the quick few weeks easy 60+% paper gain and I wasn’t buying a spec story either. I’m down about 4 bucks per share with current value 70C. In fact at the time xauusd wasn’t as high as current! At least I learned earlier never to average down!!!

    GFC had at least taught me to never take a trend, any trend nor whatever super defensive sector for granted. When the SHTF like March which equates to the 2 phases of 2008, only cash is safe provided there is no fix exposure. BTFD is the order of the day but I’m not going into the averaging down method if I get the timing wrong.

    My risk mitigation is to play the weekly swing when I am given the chance for the sake of my past lessons. You only have to look at Tesla or local payment stocks to get a chill running down the spine of dot com era punting? Fallen golden angels of the recent past is still fresh in my mind.
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