30/1 Indices, page-714

  1. 1,214 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 98
    Yep Bensh you will get all that, and very quickly. Things like optimal scalp size for UK 23pts with 9pt stop or 14pt with 7pt stop in first 30mins, break outs 40pt 86% and 67% for 70pts with 15-30pt, break downs 50pts with 30 pt TS within 1h40mins etc...

    Really helps you manage manual trades by knowing what to expect and how they look when forming.

    A question for you, do you trade with order flow sometimes? I ask because I recently started doing the manual trading on PRT using this and it's just like trading the micros again, it's great! Really what IG was missing.

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