“Catastrophe for NATO forces in Ukraine, page-3

  1. 14,345 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 496
    Classic proxy wars, they could be kept in secret in the 40's 50's sometimes the sixties, but by the seventies the genre of anti war movements became so strong that it became too much of a liability for any political party, that's what ended the Vietnam war.

    Any US political party back then supporting the Vietnam war in the early seventies would have been doomed at the next election.

    These days because of the internet the only way to hide it is to have a distraction of any kind other than the real more serious threat to the world, by using the agenda of an over emphasized amount of problems which appeals to certain parts of anti social sectors of society that will ultimately if allowed become more influencial in it's establishment lead to the demise of the original institutional beliefs.

    A good example is The Holy Roman Empire it had too many Foriegn fronts to fight on to keep it's rule in place. And so declined, it is an interesting fact that the Roman catholic faith created in Rome became so strong and did eventually influence it's parliament. And so political leaders and parties back then embraced and condoned the new religious movement realizing it would give them more control of the people and a longer political career.

    The problem with this sort of inclusive style of rule is it that has to become more dictatorial in it's ways and more cruel to any parts of it's society that objects, and so leads to unrest and usually civil war. Another phrase you could call is the start of a new revolution. That's why The constitution created by the American forefathers has the power to say that every American citizen has the right of religious freedoms and to not face any persecution for it as such. To keep society peaceful.

    Yet it's unusual that the opposite seems to be happening in America, that's because it has melded with politics to become a new form of internet and technological powerful religion that has in a shortest period in the history of the world, 3 decades approximately become the most hypnotic tool for for control of the world population, the ultimate distraction. We don't need a Devil or an Anti Christ when we have the internet and all the information about everything at our finger tips. It's so hypnotic and pleasurable, forget about wars, it's not happening here in ice cream land.

    And soon AI could become our God and ruler as we will eventually rely on it to do everything for us. That's before if it evolves and then does everything it wants to do to us. The seeds of destruction are always sown in the hive of superior intellect since the beginning of time and has been presented and accepted by all as the marvel of advancement of our species.

    Yet in the scheme of the Universe we aren't even out of the womb. We barely made it to the Moon. Some believe we didn't even do that.

    So Be Lie ve what you want. it's all in the lovely Fonts. a most interesting study is human history of constant change of the world.

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