re: going down Bull18,
Nickel is produced from two distinct ore types; nickel sulphide deposits and nickel laterite deposits. The great majority of the world's known nickel resources are contained in laterite deposits.
Nickel sulphide deposits are formed from magmatic processes and are primary nickel deposits. Nickel is recovered from sulphide ores by conventional crushing, grinding and floatation. The resulting nickel-rich concentrate is pyrometallurgically processed by smelting in furnaces to skim off and discard an iron-rich slag to produce a nickel matte. This matte is comprised predominately of nickel and iron with minor copper and cobalt. The matte is then subjected to further processing to eventually produce nickel metal and other metal byproducts.
Nickel sulphide deposits tend to be of much higher grades than laterite deposits.
Hence lower production costs & higher profits.
amongst other things.
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