PEK 4.35% 12.0¢ peak rare earths limited

why so low, page-55

  1. 14,006 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769

    Ludba, you say you hate the aloofness of Directors. Mate, they are not aloof.

    Just in case you don't know, the Ds are Alastair Hunter (non-executive Chairman), Richard Beazley (Managing Director),Dave Hammond (Technical Director) and Jonathon Murray (non-executive Director). Then there is Linda Paini, the CFO and Secretary. IMO these people are well and truly grounded and are acting in the interests of the company at all times.

    Ludba, do you have more shares than AH? I bet you don't. In fact I reckon you are like most of us posters - small fry when compared with AH. Being a large holder might mean though that he could be acting in his self interest, couldn't it! And let's say he was for instance. Wouldn't that mean though that he would want the BEST possible result for himself? That being so, wouldn't we be the beneficiaries of that as well? Too right we would!

    But, and more importantly, he must always act in the interests of the company (and therefore the shareholders, and not himself. This is the standard that I would expect and want from him - and the other Directors too of course.

    Put the 2 together though and you should see that we shareholders are being well-served. That is my over-all opinion too. Sure there has been a mistake or two (in fact it can be strongly inferred that AH admitted in his email to you that treating with Roth in the manner that occurred was a blunder); but they are human - like us - and do err. Mistakes of judgment will happen again no doubt, BUT I am sure the Roth-type of CR won't happen again.

    We have, IMO, a dedicated and hard-working crew at the top. We've, and probably deservedly so, given them some stick about the Roth CR, but I reckon they deserve our praise and support over-all. And I am sure they have heeded the criticism.

    Just consider the achievements so far! They are very impressive - and very quickly achieved too. In fact,Peak will probably be the fastest company to go from greenfield to production of all the REE companies. That statement is subject to challenge tho as I don't really know that much about emerging; but I would be surprised if it could be beaten.

    Anyway Ludba, that's my objective and subjective view of management. I'm content for now but will voice a contrary opinion if warranted in the future.You are entitled to express your views too of course. It's just that I disagree with them on this matter.
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