2. Russian jokes from the Stalin era, page-3

  1. 4,868 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 286
    A couple of classics:

    The latest Lada has 16 valves (12 of which are in the radio).

    Karl and Sergei were on their European vacation and about to go through the Polish immigration station.
    "NAME?" demanded the guard
    "Karl Ivanoff"
    "October 3, 1968"
    "No, no, just visiting..."

    And here are couple of (apparently) true anecdotes I recall from contributions to the Readers Digest from many years ago.

    A US Government worker was hosting a visiting Russian delegation and took them to his house for a dinner. One of them asked the cat's name. They were a bit hesitant to reply, as the cat was called 'Stalin'. He insisted, and the whole delegation spontaneously burst into laughter when they heard. Eventually one of them explained "Igor too has cat like this one. He call his Nixon!"

    Another Russian delegation was working with a US company, and wanted some specific information. Tensions were rising when it was refused. Eventually someone said "I'm sorry, we cannot give you this information. The Government simply will not permit it." That defused the situation. "Ah, Government not permit. Understand perfectly!"
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