Dave Even "our "Bob Carr belatedly stated the obvious ( when he...

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    Even "our "Bob Carr belatedly stated the obvious ( when he no longer had to worry about his political career ) and referred to Israel as the poison of the Middle East.

    The USA and its wanabe Deputy sheriff have little doubt that God is on our side and we are the good guys even when we pulverise children and burn pregnant women with or without phosphorus bombs ( or poison and cause cancer and deformities with our chemicals and DU amo) .

    Its obviously defensible for us good guys and gals to have double standards , to safely ignore conventions and international law ,
    ( we are the top dog and no one can effectively punish us) but when the treacherous bad guys desperately try to kill and maim us its because their evil and of course its perfectly OK for the Zionists to demonize the Palestinians as fast breeding cockroaches and vermin that unfortunately ( for them) deserve the high tech and medieval torture that our death squads successfully dish out.
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