A lesson in History of Climate alarmism, page-144

  1. 29,934 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Seems a bit like the pot suggesting that the kettle tans up, very easily, bell.

    You suggest that I and any others who are less than enamoured with your beliefs don’t understand the difference between Climate and Weather.
    You would have to agree agree with this statement, wouldn’t you?

    You offer up these fires as another sign of CO2’s insipid creep towards the demise of life as we know it.

    El Niño La Niña patterns give the East Coast bountiful rain or raspberries in the form of no rain, it is a weather pattern and we may not have a full understanding of this pattern but we know a hell of a lot more about it than the complex nature of the global climate yet you don’t see the irony in your constant suggestions that the disbelievers don’t understand the difference between weather and climate.

    Cyclones are another example that gets trotted out regularly as an indicator to the insipid march that the LIb/Nats, Big Oil and disbelievers try and hush up and gloss over and guess what?
    It is another weather pattern.
    If I was on the affirmative side of the debate and referenced an increased number and intensity of cyclones as another proof of MMCC would you set me straight or give me a thumb?

    The Fact that the BoM’s computer modelling has predicted only 3 cyclones this coming season would seem out of line with the CC suggestions.
    Would you like to agree with me and all scientists that computer modelling doesn’t mean “Fact” but best guess?

    If you think bluster and bullying (in the form of suggesting others aren’t smart enough to have an opinion so nick off) will help drag your lip off the ground because the other kids in the playground won’t play your game by your rules you have underestimated the disbelievers.

    If you don’t appreciate my style or lack of style in the way I post on these threads I could say I’m sorry but you don’t need an apology do you?
    I ain’t gonna give you one anyway and I’ll stick to dumbing down my views and trying to put a bit of levity in them so the bottom lip draggers can have something to vent their spleen on when they are faced with unpalatable truths that don’t fit with their beliefs.

    PS This post is factual and has not relied upon computer modelling based on a tiny fraction of the data needed to objectively make long term predictions

    Do you see how easy it is to write a retort without having to call someone Stupid?

    I have always thought that you are a good bloke regardless of differences of opinion and I still think you are but the strain of your convictions must be getting to you, get a good nights sleep and don’t let the opposition get you down too much friend.
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