ADN 12.5% 0.7¢ andromeda metals limited

ADN - the sleeping (but awakening) Halloysite / Kaolin & HPA Monster, page-112

  1. 6,892 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2861
    This post by wombat is tops.

    In my research of ADN I noticed that everyone is excited about Carey's Well Deposit and it's JORC...which they should be.

    The 9M tons of high grade Halloysite which makes up part of the whole Halloyite-Kaolin JORC is impressive.

    I don't think...well I KNOW the market hasn't realised what the whole lease of (EL 5814 and EL 4575) is sitting on.

    As noted above...
    in 2012 MEP's ASX release showed the focus just on Carey's Well but, the other 4 targets matching Carey's Well with Tomney being a real MONSTER -exploration target of 410 to 620 million tons of Kaolin! That's a insanely large number.

    How much Halloysite could there be in Tomney? Think about that for a second.

    **MEP's 2012 ASX release (worth a READ!!)

    Just like the late nite TV ads that throw in steak knives.

    Everyone seems to have forgotten Mt.Hope.

    **ASX annountment on Oct. 24th /2018

    As investors...if we want to be have to READ and read.
    However, if your going to hunt 10-20 baggers to better know when you come across a gold nugget.

     Andromeda Metals has applied for an exploration licence for 227 square
    kilometres of land in the Mount Hope area, about 80 kilometres
    northwest of Port Lincoln in South Australia.
     Previous exploration at Mt Hope in 1973 identified a historical kaolin
    resource of 12.26Mt, consisting of approximately 74% filler quality and
    26% coating quality material. This mineral resource estimate is not
    reported in accordance with the JORC 2012 Code and investors are
    cautioned that the Company has not yet completed the work to verify
    the historical resource estimate1 (Appendix A).
     Two Mining Leases were previously granted for this deposit and a 40
    tonne sample was collected and shipped to Germany for testing.
     Technical work conducted on samples taken from later RC drilling
    confirmed the existence of high value halloysite kaolin material
    equivalent to the Poochera Project Carey’s Well deposit.

     Previous companies were targeting paper grade kaolin at Mount Hope,
    but that is an application where halloysite is not desirable so the
    Exploration Licence and Mining Leases were dropped.
     The market price for halloysite kaolin is growing due to closure of large
    production facilities in China by government environmental authorities.
     Halloysite kaolin is now recognised as a high value form of kaolin and
    demand is growing.

    Did that MotherF... jusy say....

    We are getting exploration licences for 227 square KM's of land that likely has high value halloysite kaolin in it?

    Is that what he said?!
    HELL NO!!!

    This is where having James Marsh is beyond a asset...
    he may not know where the bodies are buried but, you bet your a$$ he knows where ALL the halloysite is buried!

    I've been speaking to mgmt. recent trying to confirm where else in the world there are large high grade or any other grade halloysite deposits.

    I've also been speaking with other 3rd parties and my mining contact in Canada to confirm all this. As most of you know most mining data is on computers and just about every inch of land on this planet has been drilled, ground sensor-ed or at least sampled.

    High-grade Halloysite from what I've learn ONLY exists with Kaolin.
    Kaolin is EVERYwhere and there's lots of it around the world...high grade Kaolin, not so much.

    High grade Kaolin with high grade Halloysite...take a guess how many areas in the world have it?

    There are only 4 and each has it's own problems.
    (please DYOR to confirm the below.)
    *Poland - Low grade, low out-put.
    *Utah, USA. - Contamination issues with thin veins of halloysite. Not able to supply any quantities of consistent product.
    N.Z - Nearing the end of it's mine life. Issues with cristobalite in it's feed-stock.
    South Australia - Just a undervalued SP!

    Everyone got excited about ADN's Kaolin-Halloysite JORC of Poochera's Carey's Well deposit of 20.2 Mt...(Halloysite 9.7 Mt) you should.

    However, ADN as per this threads title is sitting on monstrous amounts of Halloysite not only in Poochera but, Mt.Hope which I'll remind everyone is 100% own ADN project.

    I also haven't even looked at ADN's Camel Lake's 481 square km's..which I'm sure James knows all about.

    Basically, why I and others are excited about ADN's 10-20 bag potential is...ADN's IS the current world supply of High grade Halloysite (important to note: high grade) .

    They could control it.
    *If there's another high grade Halloysite deposit in the world...let me know please.

    ADN could in theory sell just Poochera's Carey's Well production...It could then focus on Mt. Hope 227 square km's and/or Camel Lake's 481 square km's.

    Much like the big 4 control lithium pricing or BHP and Rio control or majorly influence their products pricing.
    Or Debeer's with it's diamond's cartel.

    ADN might be in the same area soon.

    It's almost hard to believe ADN is in such a amazing spot.
    Hey, no one knows anything about Halloysite right now.
    Once it becomes more popular...the smart money will flow to ADN.

    As I've said publicly...I've researched a lot of stocks in 25 years...this Halloysite/HPA story is incredible.

    ADN is going to be a monster.

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