SSN samson oil & gas limited

amex 31st may, page-5

  1. 4,162 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 223
    Our American cousins are getting excited:

    SOA looks like Permian Basin-Wattenburg? 31-May-12 07:22 am

    SOA well is looking very much like what they currently drill in both the Wattenburg field and the Permian basin. Multiple levels of production, 40 acre spacing.

    The Permian wells are costing around 2 million to drill and frack, usually 7 plus zones. Antares who I follow closely get around 150 bopd on their latest wells. Wells pay back quickly. Key will be the decline rate and total EUR but very interesting

    What does the Pennsylvania formation hold in the next 600 feet?

    Below the salt may yet be Samsons big prize- HEAR THAT GOLDIE!!!
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Currently unlisted public company.

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