Andrews must wake up or stand down, page-35

  1. 46,796 Posts.
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    @grindstone cowboy; Morrison and his Muppets initially cited Singapore, South Korea and Sweden as models for Australia to follow in responding to COVID-19.

    This meant Morrison did nothing for SEVEN weeks after he followed Trump and banned travel with China on February 1st. Consequently, by March 21st COVID-19 was alive and well throughout Australia and Morrison began to panic, knee-capping the Australian economy and so he told us, closing our borders [except, he didn't do that at all as some 400,000 people entered Australia afterwards].

    As Singapore, Sweden and South Korea succumbed to COVID-19 Morrison stopped talking about them, but by May 8th after Australians had rallied together and looked like wrestling COVID-19 to the ground Morrison started shooting his mouth off again - DEMANDING state governments terminate restrictions to allow the economy to recover. In particular Morrison's demands throughout May, June and early July were trumpeted and directed by Murdoch Mouthpieces against Daniel Andrews for refusing to do so.

    So what did Morrison do about his private sector aged care homes - well he $Cut $Funding for them and he cut their red tape allowing them to employ a poorly trained and highly casualised skeleton crew workforce so their owners could maximise $Profits and $Executive $Remuneration [ie. implement the Liberal Party model]. Now the crap's hitting the fan he's squealing like a cut pig.
    Last edited by Lapdog: 29/07/20
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