This is utter nonsense and does not reflect reality in any way....

  1. 19 Posts.
    This is utter nonsense and does not reflect reality in any way. I don't like to call people names but these seem to be the delusional ranting of someone with no self awareness.

    The systemic issues that the younger generations face have nothing to do with some kind mass personal failing or addiction to consumerism. The tax system, the market, the welfare system, the education system and the industrial relations system are stacked against the younger generations in a reversal of they way they were and are designed to assist the boomers.

    This isn't subjective complaining from someone jealous of what you have. It's the universal assessment of just about every economist and policy expert.

    Yes, a young person can work hard and get ahead today. Some most certainly will. The point is that on average a young person has to work and save ten times as much as a boomer did to achieve the same result.

    It means that our government policies and economy reward the mediocre efforts of average and below average boomers while even high achieving people from younger generations struggle with establishing basic wealth security.

    My generation are better educated than the boomers, we had to pay for our own education, we have fewer options with respect to welfare support while studying, we are paid less than boomers were for the equivalent jobs, our jobs are less secure, we are more productive and work longer hours.

    I'm not sure what more you expect from us. We are surviving with less, while putting in more effort in a less accomodating situation.

    No one is asking for life to be easy. The least you pricks could do is after having policy and economics skewed in your favour your entire lives is not insult the very people who go without to support you.

    To be reasonably wealthy by retirement all a boomer had to do was hold down an average full time job (which they could often hold for life), not have any major setbacks like divorce or serious illness in the family and not be a complete screw up.

    The average person from gen y is expected to work at least ten different jobs in four different industries, retrain to professional level numerous times during their working life, start paying for their university (or now in many cases trade) courses while earning just over the minimum wage, work for more than half their life in casual employment, pay the highest rent in real terms ever, save for a home that is literally ten times more expensive compared to wages than when the boomers were the same age, and perhaps even start a family at some stage before they're 40 (which means they are likely not yet financially secure).

    All of this with the knowledge that we are paying for a retirement for the boomers that we are very unlikely to receive. The odds of there being an aged pension in its current form in thirty years is slim to none.

    That means we'll be the poorest generation in a century and probably be expected to support ourselves during old age after having been the ones to pay for the bulk of the boomers.

    Why is all this the case? Are we just not as hard working or savvy as our elders? No one with any grip on reality would suggest that's the case. The boomer generation is the largest generation in history and skewed political power, economics and policy in their own interest since birth.

    You are NOT better than your children or grandchildren. You certainly didn't work harder. You simply benefited from being part of a large and politically powerful group.

    The least you can do is shut up and stop insulting the people that haven't had that privilege while they struggle against odds you never had to face.
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