NVA nova minerals limited

(I have zero background in mining other than investing in mining...

  1. 11,249 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29643
    (I have zero background in mining other than investing in mining stocks, so this is the best layman's interpretation/understanding I can come up with - but it will hopefully be helpful to others)

    I think @kduvey does resource modelling for a living. I suspect they can correct me if I am wrong. There may be others here too that have some good knowledge.

    I suspect what the resource modeller will do is use their geological interpretation of the orientation of the footwall structure to set a boundary for the resource model. They don't have an IP survey at RPM.

    I think the resource modeller will then select blocks 50m x 50m x 50m to include or exclude in the resource model based on a contained assay data points (at least 8 or 16 points ). Resource modelling software probably does this part automagically.

    Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 11.41.46 am.png

    This is the description of the search algorithm used for the Korbel Resource model.

    Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 11.39.55 am.png

    The algorithm then creates a search ellipse to find nearby data points used as the basis for an estimate for the average grade of any 50m x 50m x 50m block. You can see some graphical depictions of this process here:


    Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 11.57.28 am.png

    This all basically means that any blocks included in the resource model will need to contain at least 8 or 16 data points within 75m radius or 150m radius of other data points. The software will then basically estimate the average grade for every 50m x 50m x 50m block by running thousands of interpolation calculations across the entire model.

    The software will then give an estimate for each and every block, presumably with parameters used for cut-off. The resource modeller will then review the results and determine any blocks they decide to manually exclude from the model.

    Blue box - approximate - radius 75m (diameter 150n) around RPM-005
    Pink box - approximate - radius 150m (diameter 300m) around RPM-005

    Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 11.32.12 am.png
    Last edited by wombat777: 12/10/21
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