ADN 7.69% 0.6¢ andromeda metals limited

Madge, I recall last year’s meeting wasn’t recorded or it may...

  1. 1,200 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 100
    Madge, I recall last year’s meeting wasn’t recorded or it may have been the year before that. The AGM meeting today was played over a Computershare platform so it may never be recorded anywhere.

    Bob’s presentation today was brilliant - best performance thus far. Bob explained how these new partners will be using or distributing our products in the marketplace and the reasoning behind the business plan to get these cornerstone investors wanting to partner with us.

    A very positive presentation and even more pleasingly is Bob expects all BOA’s and FID finalised in the next 30 to 60 days or was it 60 to 90 days. Funnily it was clear in my mind just before I started typing my post. Anyway it was about half the time I mentioned in my previous post after just reading the presentation. Funny how a verbal confirmation can be different to what you are reading.
    All glad it’s coming together quicker than I thought.
    Not one aggressive shareholder question to the board today online or present. Very happy shareholders in attendance.

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