SPT 0.00% 7.5¢ splitit payments ltd

Ann: May Trading Update, page-51

  1. 5,532 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1392
    That's a silly comment. First of all, who are you to say that it's not fair value, when the market thinks otherwise? Secondly, even if we humored the idea and reduced market value by one or two billion, SPT is still something in the low single digit in % of Afterpay's market cap.

    To put in perspective, when Afterpay increases by 2%, it's market value increases by the whole worth of SPT.

    I'm not downramping SPT as a company or making a judgement on whether it's over/undervalued.

    I'm just saying that saying SPT being hot on the heels of Afterpay is like saying Nigeria has seen big increases in GDP so it's not far off from being a USA lol
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Currently unlisted public company.

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