RGT 8.70% 21.0¢ argent biopharma limited

Ann: Pharma Update - Increased Orders and Clinical Study, page-31

  1. 14,654 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2515
    I think there is an SP manipulation issue - you only have to see the number of very small trades that come in at below the SP at the time. No one looks at a company where the SP is trending upwards after an announcement and then sells a small parcel at a lower price and when that is happening several times in a trading session - and every trading session - something does not feel right. I am not into conspiracy theories - and I get the irony of me just pointing one out of my own - but it is hard to fathom out why this is happening.

    Over the last two months, there have been some very material announcements - mixed in with some minor ones of course. It would be logical that the SP would be positively affected - and that has not happened. A company announces almost a $1mil total revenue increase from a previous quarter where revenue was almost non existent - that is not talking up a situation. That is a significant change in circumstances. That is the basis of a potential enhanced future. All that promise needs to be realised of course but it certainly should have had a visible SP nudge upwards.

    12 months ago, MXC was a shambles. Today, you could almost be forgiven for thinking this is a different company altogether. Some decisions made in 2018 defy logic and do appear to be very amateurish as you pointed out. I am heartened that there seems to be a change in management style and, perhaps, a renewed energy in getting MXC back on track. The move to focus on MM may well be the catalyst for that change.
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Mkt cap ! $11.39M
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22.0¢ 22.0¢ 21.0¢ $4.964K 23.02K

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1 4260 21.0¢

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22.0¢ 4983 2
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Last trade - 15.48pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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