Another shout of praise goes up to Jehovah!, page-16

  1. 6,725 Posts.
    Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in various places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

    Just saying, seeing as the Bible is not an earth sciences manual, might it not be possible or even more likely that, "earthquakes, famines and pestilences" are a symbolic means of expressing great upheavals in religion, religious belief and how religion has become?

    The Bible is after all about the spiritual landscape of humanity. Earthquakes are naturally occurring events and there is no increase in earthquake activity now or in the last century compared to the past. It runs at about one major earthquake per year, this is what a naturally dynamic planet does.

    Earthquakes are the symbolic shaking apart of religious foundations as seen all over the world.
    Famines is a state when religion as so corrupted by man that the people starve for real spiritual sustenance.
    Pestilence is the false teachings that spread through scripture creating ruin and corruption. True meaning gets eaten away by the pestilence of false teachings.

    The prophecies of Jesus where concerned with spiritual maters, not earthquake forecasts.

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