"Try to explain that Australia produces about 0.04% of CO2 so...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    "Try to explain that Australia produces about 0.04% of CO2 so what does changing all our cars to EV do to that figure."

    "Globally, CO2 emissions from fossil sources are estimated to have fallen by 7% in 2020 (Friedlingstein et al. 2020), to approximately 34 Gt. The 2019 value of 36.4 Gt was only 0.1% higher than that of 2018, indicating some level of stabilisation before the COVID-19 pandemic. Total global emissions in 2020, including land-use change, were approximately 40 Gt. This means that Australian emissions are approximately 1.2% of global emissions, a slight decline in recent years; however Australia remains among the world’s largest per-person emitters."

    "if Victoria was powered 100% by solar most of Victoria would be covered in solar panels."

    Renewables contributed 32% of total electricity generation in 2022, specifically solar (14%), wind (11%) and hydro (6%). The share of renewable energy generation increased from 29% in 2021.About 19% of Australia’s electricity was generated outside the electricity sector by business and households in 2021-22.

    Based in such percentages and all else being the same, grosso modo to have, not renewables generating all of our electricity needs, but only solar that component would have to be increased by a little over 7 times.

    Conclusion, by now 1/7 (or a bit over 32,000 km2) of Victoria must be already covered in solar panels, a fact quite visible from space as shown in the picture bellow. Warning. You may need special glasses to notice it.


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