
  1. 790 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 90
    ever since Jehovah was a boy greater civilizations have colonized smaller, weaker ones.
    the white settlers colonization of terra australis was nothing out of the ordinary that a thousand and one other races/cultures/civilizations have not themselves partaken of.
    similarly the first peoples of this land accomplished the same deeds they would accuse of the white man.
    that is lay claim to their fellow inhabitants lands across the other side of the valley, river bank, beachhead or desert in order to assimilate-plunder-murder.
    possess territories so that the greater good of the tribe benefits. surely the natural bent of the australian aboriginal going by current experience of their mannerisms as it has been with european-asian-african or american history.

    only thing new about such notions is the sheer naivety of modern young first world citizens largely from a lack of good teachers at primary/highschool or even university education one suspects perfectly suiting the philosophical 'diabolic' of our political elites, whether the labor party or the liberal party.
    it's inherently systematic of the globalist agenda.

    did the indigenous when gaining control over their neighbours lands wrench their fists in cries of "oh im sooo sorry that i have stolen your lands and acquired your women folk and murdered your warriors!"
    if they did their a damn side better than even our new moral police historians [-like Heeeenraaaaay! Reynolds] have ever let on!

    there is an aboriginal map in a hospital ward i regularly visit in my job showing indigenous tribal boundaries across the australian continent before the white man came and stuffed it all up.
    modern hospitals can be very narky places at least racially these days, as are some of the nurses/docs esp ones from the orient or the darker continents who not infrequently come laced with extreme hostility toward their anglo patients 'who murdered 100 million indians last century sometime or enslaved a billion starving africans and enslaved even more chine or muslims blah-blah!?'
    -so they do worry me, i tend to ask for an anglo aussie nurse or doc altho even some of them can come with an insane narkiness toward the 'evil privileged white male of heterosexual gender who have wrecked the world.'

    having witnessed first hand many quietly alarming practices by people who should know better but are so juiced up on racial-gender propaganda they are assured they are doing right by the world 'removing another evil white man from of the earths surface back into the bowels of hell' no doubt? some of the staff do come with cultural/gender issues okay yes and rich cultural legacies too! one must'nt forget such things. [admittedly things of late are getting much safer for white men bc of some dramatic criticism over the last 10-15 years in regards; replacement-gender-race. so im optimistic the worst has passed... well mebe? honestly 15-20 yrs ago this sort of carry-on was rife.

    i just wish likes of albo could experience some of the stuff ive experienced as patient and nursing staffer.
    but he goes to rich private white mans hospitals in inner city balmain-glebe so he can always be assured of a pleasant time from highly skilled very friendly usually nursing staff.

    so getting back to the map, this map to me shows the infallibility of accepting an ancient stone-age cultures own illusions of permanence. if such a map had any real relevance even circa 1770 which i would seriously doubt?
    bc god knows how many different races-cultures-tribes colonized/replaced one tribe violently or perhaps another tribe more peacefully? but you can be sure it occurred and many times over the millennium.

    australia before white settlement was far more likely to be a continent of many tribes as indifferent to the other as the hapsburgs of germany were to lower saxony or outer prussia let alone romania and far different to the map that whites must bare witness to on the hospitals walls demanding we respect the boundaries of this former singular permanently set nation of the aboriginal? but you get the drift.

    modern first nations people convinced they were formerly one nation or now determinedly trying to convince us 'racist white c#nts' they were one nation prior to the coming of the european, are themselves little more than pretend 'white' aboriginals and a product of a propaganda exercise persuaded upon them by people of the like of the historian above one, -Heeeenrraaaaaay! Reynolds.

    bc any historian worth the denotation has been censured out of all university practice from sheer terror of the university losing it's unhealthy reliance on the money incoming from foreign cookie cutter students.

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