how could we forget that since time immemorial humans have...

  1. 17,889 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    how could we forget that since time immemorial humans have fomented wars, rebellion, murder and mayhem. We have wrecked havoc on the land and sea and destroyed the habitat in which we live. We have managed to do this regardless of our race or religion save a few isolated tribes (and even now a secluded Amazon tribe has lately become hooked on pornography

    we choose our enemies and those we hate for a range of reasons. We write histories that are distorted by our prejudice.

    thing is that the tsars were a mean minded, selfish and stupid as they acted out their own desires - their own satisfaction, grandiosity and wealth at the expense of their people. Russia and China were most likely the worst as those rulers exercised a cruel iron grip.

    first in Russia and later in China the people eventually rebelled but having no experience of democracy they simply replaced one set of tyrants with another.

    you may hate the Jews as you wish but if you could get past the prejudice and extraordinary hang up you have you might see that the ideal of communism may well tell you much more about history and their values. They had experienced persecution but survived because they understood the value of community and commitment to each other despite the myths. They were able to watch the tyranny of wealth and prejudice from a distance because they were not part of that group and they understood the at money worked because, through exclusion from trades they had to rely on commerce

    however not withstanding their ideals the leaders such as Lenin and Stalin drove the violence. Lenin in particular believed that of violence was necessary to instal communism and win the revolution in society then that is how it would be. He was ruthless and promoted and supported the more ruthless Stalin. Too late he realised what he had done.

    stalin used who he could to continue the work. Jews, gentiles, non Jews who had abandoned their religion and values. Bad men. Greedy men and nasty men. (And for the most part it was men

    by focussing incessantly on this one man you have distorted history, lost context and lost all reason

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