Yes, I had a huge dysbioses problems around 10 years ago that...

  1. 24,382 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    Yes, I had a huge dysbioses problems around 10 years ago that affected my whole body, thought I was heading for a dirt nap at the time. This was due to too many antibiotics for an injury I got so didn't have much choice about taking them. For me, antibiotics are now life and death stuff and I will not take them not threatening conditions. During the recovery, rebuilding the gut flora was the main protocol I used to get back on track. It took a few years but now am all good and still incorporate probiotics in my diet. Don't just think you can eat some yoghurt and be done with it.

    Also, there was been research (posted in this thread somewhere, or google) that proves the spike protein from the injection decimate your gut flora, especially biffo. Lactobif from iherb is a good product, but also sauerkraut, kefir, prebiotics, and other healthy stuff you can eat to get back on track. And eliminate sugar as much you can, soft drink, alcohol, lollies etc. Bad bacteria (and more dangerous things) love sugar.
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