Day traders' Christmas lounge December 22 - 26, page-61

  1. 12,320 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 433
    ++Oh and just to refresh - at that time it was lockdown - so I was at home and thought that might be a useful thing as I was happy to be able to do this idea - well the trolling was relentless and awful - a lot of times I just thought why bother -the thing was at the time the trolls that dislike me were annoyed with the amount of thumbs up I got and continued to get - it was massive and I appreciate that- those people attacked relentlessly - one only needs to look at my profile the amount of likes were astounding - they were worried I would get a heart lols from the amount of likes so the trolling continued - OH dear in the end it did not work out with my timeframe and I was tired of being attacked for providing what I thought was a useful; add to the thread - I did expect one of the trolls to step in but no - that says a lot imo
    The point is that I inadvertently highlighted that the premarket on the DT thread has huge interest And as a bit of a jab - If you want that attention do a pre market that alerts traders of the overview- charts are great however it does not need to be an averlanche into the pre - Put up the over view to support @highlandlad report - then look at announcements and prepare for the day looking at what is viable - seriously do something different than stroking your ego as it is boring currently imo
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