sandash - there are no 'poor shmucks' in reality - that is your...

  1. 13,771 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    sandash - there are no 'poor shmucks' in reality - that is your interpretation of the situation - fair enough. Why are some humans borm 'dead' (stillborn)? why do some not live very long? Why do some have a 'glorious' time on this mortal coil The questions are endless .

    Now if you can grasp the law of cause & effect !! If you can, remember this is the Universe justice system - what could be more natural ? Not for U?

    Have a read. I find it a quandary that so called religious dogmatic follows cannot work out the universal law of cause & effect - JUSTICE - no matter how long it takes & of course we thank John Lennon for Instant Karma!!

    Karma-Nemesis [from Sanskrit karma action, cause and effect + Greek Nemesis goddess of harmony or retribution] The appointed karmic lot or destiny of any entity, latent in the entity’s germinal existence and unfolded progressively in the course of its growth or evolution. The universe as a whole fulfills, in the course of its cyclic evolution, all that is contained in the germ at the dawn of its manifestation; and the individual, who in essence is a spark of the divine life, follows the same inscrutable law of destiny, as do also the worlds and all the beings in and on them.
    The destiny which lies in the germ is the destiny which belongs to the spiritual entity in its various attributes behind that germ, and these attributes as a whole — in other words the svabhava of the entity — are born of that entity’s portion of free will leading it off into strange bypaths during the ages-long course of its evolutionary growth. The incarnate person, having the power of choice, can wander temporarily far astray from the path of his divine destiny, lured by the attractions of the lower planes of manifestation. This stirring up of karmic results which actually becomes Karma-Nemesis, that which cannot be avoided and must be worked out, is the beneficent but inexorable adjuster and restorer of harmony.
    Thus destiny is not fatalism, but emphatically supports the idea of intrinsically spiritual free will. The stirring up of these seeds of Karma-Nemesis are the consequences or results of the entity’s own will in act, feeling, and consequent result. Thus destiny is of two kinds: that which the evolving entity has stored up as character, propensities, biases, and svabhava in other lives; and that which the entity, using its modicum of free will, is now storing up for its future, but in accordance with its own exercise of will or choice.
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