"I will give you the keys of the kingdom etc "is actually one of...

  1. 365 Posts.
    "I will give you the keys of the kingdom etc "is actually one of my favourite verses that show believers that they have the authority of Christ " to bind and loose". I tend to believe that Peters statement of revelation is that which equips any who believe that Jesus is the Christ. As to Peter being the head of the "church" - I believe that role is Christs and all believers are " A chosen race , a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a a people for God's own possession,that you may proclaim the excellences of Him who has called you out of darkness into His wonderful light" Peter2 :9-10. The "church " is not a reinventing of the old testiment priesthood with it's physical pomp and splender and opulance, with rules and regulation and bowing to men of"postion".
    Jesus's reference to binding and looing was a reference to the casting out of demons from those possesed/opressed.
    As to God ordering the Israelites to wipe out various people groups that was because after decades and in some cases hundred of years of those people worshiping false gods and desending into a debauched life style that in many cases involved the sacrifice of their babies and young children on to the red hot hands of the metal stature of Moloch while partaking in drunken sexual orgies. It was the judgement of a rightous GOD that had got to the point were mercy was exausted and the time for the wages of sin had come.
    The catholics never "wrote" the new testiment and it was already decided by about 130 ad as to which books were authentic by those who were eyewittnesses and those who new them.
    Of coarse Jesus in the sermon on the mount and Jesus in- most of it is the book of revelations is the same. Have you not read how Jesus costantly warned of the judgement to come- He spoke of hell more than He spoke of heaven. Read luke 16:19-31. It is a warning. Christ know what is going to happen and was costantly giving warnings. The Book Of Revelations is the most terrifing yet most glorious book in the Bible- parts of it are symbolic - most is very today.But yes it is the same Jesus.
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