Electric cars not the best option, page-1650

  1. 626 Posts.
    The Electric Fan Boys and Girls grab at anything that floats past to try to prop up their crumbling dead end FAKE WORLD.

    Back in the 1800's there were Electric Fan Boys and Girls who swore by their electric inconveniences and falsely predicted electric contraptions would rule the world. But what happened as people got sick of the inconveniences of the electric inconveniences and the starter motor got invented then people left the electric inconveniences in droves and went over to the much better petrol and diesel conveniences.

    While Australia lags behind Germany is forging ahead with the hydrogen revolution.

    Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies
    Hydrogen is fizzing in the German government.

    Last week, the Bundesregierung announced its intention to stop using coal for energy production.

    In the process, Hydrogen and the LOHC Technology are to become two pillars to make German coal mining regions sustainable and environmentally friendly.

    With its research the Helmholtz Institute in Jülich will help to deploy the technology.

    The Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier also sees great potential in hydrogen technology:

    In his national hydrogen strategy, the focus will be on the production and use of green hydrogen.

    We think it´s about time to have the coal phase-out:

    We remember our participation in the #FridaysforFuture demonstration last fall, in which people also demonstrated for the coal exit.

    We are pleased to see that positive changes towards a sustainable energy industry are becoming apparent.
    #LOHC #greenenergy #hydrogen #Kohleausstieg #Jülich


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